app/template/default/Mypage/login.twig line 1

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  1. {#
  2. This file is part of EC-CUBE
  3. Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  5. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  6. file that was distributed with this source code.
  7. #}
  8. {% extends 'default_frame.twig' %}
  9. {% set body_class = 'mypage' %}
  10. {% block main %}
  11.     <div class="ec-loginPage">
  12.         <div class="ec-loginPage__header">
  13.             <h1 class="ec-loginPage__title">{{ 'ログイン'|trans }}</h1>
  14.         </div>
  15.     </div>
  16.     <div class="ec-blockspliter"></div>
  17.     <div class="ec-loginBody">
  18.         <div class="ec-loginBody__container">
  19.             <form name="login_mypage" id="login_mypage" method="post" action="{{ url('mypage_login') }}">
  20.                 {% if app.session.flashBag.has('') %}
  21.                     {% for targetPath in app.session.flashBag.peek('') %}
  22.                         <input type="hidden" name="_target_path" value="{{ targetPath }}" />
  23.                     {% endfor %}
  24.                 {% endif %}
  25.                 <div class="ec-loginBody__grid">
  26.                     <div class="ec-login ec-loginBody__grid1">
  27.                         <div class="ec-login__input">
  28.                             <div class="ec-input">
  29.                                 <span>メールアドレスでログイン</span>
  30.                                 {{ form_widget(form.login_email, {'attr': {'style' : 'ime-mode: disabled;', 'placeholder' : 'メールアドレスを入力ください', 'autofocus': true}}) }}
  31.                                 <span>パスワード</span>
  32.                                 {{ form_widget(form.login_pass,  {'attr': {'placeholder' : 'パスワードを入力ください' }}) }}
  33.                             </div>
  34.                             {% if BaseInfo.option_remember_me %}
  35.                                 <div class="ec-checkbox">
  36.                                     <label>
  37.                                         {% if is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') %}
  38.                                             <input type="hidden" name="login_memory" value="1">
  39.                                         {% else %}
  40.                                             {{ form_widget(form.login_memory, { 'label': '次回から自動的にログインする'|trans }) }}
  41.                                         {% endif %}
  42.                                     </label>
  43.                                     <a class="ec-link" href="{{ url('forgot') }}">{{ 'パスワードをお忘れですか?'|trans }}</a>
  44.                                 </div>
  45.                             {% endif %}
  46.                             {% for reset_complete in app.session.flashbag.get('password_reset_complete') %}
  47.                                 <p>{{ reset_complete|trans }}</p>
  48.                             {% endfor %}
  49.                             {% if error %}
  50.                                 <p class="ec-errorMessage">{{ error.messageKey|trans(error.messageData, 'validators')|nl2br }}</p>
  51.                             {% endif %}
  52.                         </div>
  53.                         <div class="ec-login__actions">
  54.                             <button type="submit" class="ec-blockBtn--cancel">{{ 'ログイン'|trans }}</button>
  55.                         </div>
  56.                     </div>
  57.                     <div class="vertical-line show-resultPC"></div>
  58.                     <div class="ec-blockspliter show-resultSP"></div>
  59.                     <div class="ec-login ec-loginBody__grid2">
  60.                         <div class="ec-login__actions">
  61.                             <span>会員登録がお済みでないお客様はこちら</span>
  62.                             <a href="{{ url('entry') }}">
  63.                                 <button type="button" class="ec-blockBtn--cancel">{{ '新規会員登録'|trans }}</button>
  64.                             </a>
  65.                         </div>
  66.                        <div class="ec-login__actions link-btn">#}
  67.                            <span>{{ '法人のお客様はこちら'|trans }}</span>
  68.                            <a href="" target="_blank">
  69.                                <button type="button" class="ec-blockBtn--cancel">{{ '法人様専用ログイン'|trans }}</button>
  70.                            </a>
  71.                         </div>
  72.                     </div>
  73.                 </div>
  74.                 <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token('authenticate') }}">
  75.             </form>
  76.         </div>
  77.     </div>
  78.     <div class="ec-blockspliter"></div>
  79.     <div class="ec-blockempty"></div>
  80. {% endblock %}